Friday, February 12, 2010


An hour ago, Aaron and I went to Trolley Square to leave some flowers.  It's the three year anniversary of the shooting there.  We didn't see any other flowers or reminders while we were.  But the last bullet hole is still there.  It's a good reminder of what happened and I hope it's never repaired.  My thoughts go out to those whose lives were changed by that event.

Trolley Square seemed more lively than on our last visit.  There are still a lot of holes of unfilled stores.  Sharper Image is one of those holes.  I wonder if there is more foot traffic.  It was busy tonight but that could be because it's Friday night before Valentine's Day and there is a fund raiser going on too.  The fund raiser is for victims of the Haiti quake, but it was created by one of the survivors of the shooting.

I'm glad we have the yearly reminder to treasure those close to us and be thankful when God spares our lives.

1 comment:

adam said...

I think it is cool that you do that. There are some things we should never forget. God Bless...