Bigredhammer went about his mission, using the Messenger to write clandestine messages to his friends. Sadly his mission was hampered by the ads and worthless buttons that littered the program's interface. He remembered another friend he needed to message, but that person wasn't listed in the current MSN Messenger's list. He had to log out and enter another account to message his friend. He started to write a long message to said friend and hit an invisible wall. Blast! The typing window could only accept so many characters! Unfathomable! But there was hope in sight!
After some searching online, the Bigredhammer came to a site boasting a program that could change everything, the Bigredhammer would be able to complete his mission of world importance without being hampered by the annoyances of his near-magical MSN Messenger. And that program was the Mess patch. It removed those unnecessary buttons and annoying ads. He could then open more than one account with MSN Messenger at a time. He could type up to 500 characters in one window. It was glorious to behold. The Bigredhammer would have let out a "woot" of joy, if it hadn't been for his sleeping roommate. So he let out a mini-woot.
You may have clandestine mission too that require you to remain unhampered by so many annoyances. The Bigredhammer is not so selfish that he wouldn't share his magical add-on for MSN Messenger with others. You can get it here! Thank goodness for Messers!
Great blog and good job on winning the mess.be competetion!
You win! You Rock! Haha! Good job. :)
Nice read, good job in winning :).
Grr! I wanted to win! I will have my revenge!! Just you wait!!
who cares but congrats lol
Hey, kool kid blog there! u deserved to win! good job chum.
And he's a LDS/Mormon!
Good Job :D
Nice! Made me laugh... Good Job!
wow big deal, it took you how many years to find messpatch, the program was invented years ago even when msn 5 and 6 were out, you're pretty slow there buddy
For the anonymous morons: It was a competition from mess.be So STHU!
Good job man...
I like your Blog really. It's alright, that you won the mess.be contest!
Don't worry about shit like that:
he's only a LITTLE BIT jealous ;)
Greeeeeez Tobiaz
(Meet me at http://www.msgnews.ch.vu)
I am not jellous.
i didn't even enter.
Thanks guys for all the entries!
mini-woot > woot
Congrats on winning the comp dude!
It came out for 6.*
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