Monday, February 12, 2007

Doing well

I really love my job. I feel really lucky that I found one that fits me so well. I like what I do, I like coming into work, and I like all my co-workers. They're my friends. The icing on the cake is that I actually do *well* at this job. Last week, we had our new employee of the month sign put up. It was me! I don't know if there are qualifications outside of how much you sell, but I did the best with somewhere around $47,000 in sales for December. Yeah, even I was surprised.

For January I sold the most PWPs. (I don't know what the acronym stands for.) PWPs are the items that are half off with purchase for the month. We have to tell each customer that as they check out. I had a really good percentage.

For the past several weeks, I've been doing superb too. John, our manager is excellent at sales. It is almost always impossible to beat him. Our assistant manager is awesome too. But lately I've been selling more than the two of them combined. :D

Okay, one last toot on my horn. For February there is a nationwide contest amongst the stores as to who can sell the most of a certain product. I didn't realize this until a few days ago when we received an e-mail with the current standings. On the district, store, and associate level, we are number two. But that was the day before I sold $1500 of that product. I'm pretty sure I'm number one now. And if I can keep that up... 1st prize is $500!

All of this puts me in such a good mood. It isn't because I'm winning, but because I'm loving what I'm doing. I think my numbers are good because of that. You're good at what you like, and you like what you're good at.

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