In that four years, we've been to Church together maybe 3-4 times. Truthfully, I think we miss it. I missed singing the Christmas hymns this season. I don't miss Priesthood lessons however. (Even in a student ward, they were boring.) I also don't miss fasting as I get really cranky when I'm hungry. We both were upset during the Prop 8 fiasco. It felt like a slap in the face. But we didn't get bitter. We still love the Church.
So yesterday evening the doorbell rang. I answered it and there was an attractive, about my age guy standing there, smiling. He asked, "Scott?" I figured it was either a friend of our neighbors (who are also gay) or maybe some wayward Escape member. As it turned out, it was our newly assigned hometeacher!
I was surprised. As I said, we've been here for over three years and never had a hometeacher come visit. I know my records are here because I get a Christmas card from the bishopric every year. Either my parents had them sent here, my old student ward, or the fact I have a Liahona subscription did it. Either way, there he was. He said that he was kind of new to the ward and he hadn't seen me there. I told him part of the truth. That being that I work many Sundays and haven't been there. He invited me to come. It was a little awkward to say the least. I wanted to invite him in, but I had the vibe that he didn't have the time. His wife had also made a treat which he gave to me. He also looked up my records and they didn't have my phone number, so I gave it to him. His partner wasn't available, but they wanted to give me a call and set up an appointment next month. Which I welcome. We said our goodbyes.
Now, being the analytical person I am, I started thinking about it. I'm going to guess that he's a member of the Elder's Quorum Presidency. First of all, they normally give less-actives (especially the ones that have never been seen) to a member of the presidency. Second, he had that ambitious feeling. The kind where when a person moves into your ward and they have it, you give them an ambitious calling because you know they'll magnify it.
He seemed very nice and very genuine as well.
But I digress. I'd like your advice. Let me tell you what I'm not going to do. I'm not going to be passive-aggressive and not answer his calls or not answer the door when he comes. I had enough of those on my mission to know how frustrating they are. My first instinct is once we've built a relationship of trust, that I will come out to him and be upfront about who I am. I am gay. I am inactive. I do love the Church. I do have a testimony. I do like having hometeachers (if that is the case). But I am unsure of my place in our religion.
I think the honesty will pay off. The Holy Ghost loves honesty and will reward us for it, I think. I guess if they're uncomfortable or disapprove then they just won't come. But I intend on being a gracious host either way. I they might actually like coming to our home. Aaron and I are used to having people over. We're funny, fun, and have a good time. I'd even invite the hometeachers for game nights if they'd come.
What do you think? What have your experiences been?