Yesterday I had an event that was a first in my life. Traditionally my family gets together for Thanksgiving. The past years we've met in Logan with my brother's family. Aaron and my friends would celebrate the holiday at our place while I was with my family. This year, Aaron, myself and two other friends attended Thanksgiving with my family. This is the first holiday Aaron has ever shared with my family. It was wonderful. I couldn't have asked for a better time! My nephews (all nearly teenagers) love Aaron, as do my brother and sister-in-law. My friends and he fit in very well. My sister and her family were there too. They don't know that I'm gay. So we did have to "straighten up" some. I think that was really easy. We had incredible food and a great time.
I consider myself very blessed that I have a family that loves me unconditionally and loves those I hold close the same. It's a process of course. But I never would have guessed it would progress so quickly. My heart is warm. I am proud of Aaron. Leading up to this was a little stressful for him. He is so concerned with making sure my family isn't uncomfortable around him. Bless him.
I am also thankful that I have a job and I did
not have to work Black Friday morning. I work 2-11:30PM today. It's a long shift, but it's not the craziness of this morning.