Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Star Trek XI

So every once in a while I check out the status of the new Star Trek XI. As of yet there isn't much to say about the film. J.J. Abrams has been chosen as the producer and director of the new movie. He is also one of the writers. I think this puts an awful amount of the load just on one person. Let's hope that he is trek enough to take a movie on. You might recognize his name as the executive producer for both the Lost and Alias series. He was also the director of Mission Impossible 3. I wasn't terribly impressed by that movie. But he may just breathe new life into the Trek franchise. So all of this is old news.

"If there's something I'm dying to see, it's the brilliance and optimism of Roddenberry's world brought back to the big screen...I am honored and excited to be part of this next chapter of Star Trek."

Star Trek XI is set to begin shooting in Fall 2007 for a Christmas 2008 release.

Let's keep our fingers crossed that he can achieve the equally large tasks of staying true to Trek and breathing in new life to the franchise.

My Accent

What American accent do you have?
Created by Xavier on Memegen.net

Western. Like Midland, Western is another accent that people consider neutral. So, you might not actually be from the Western half of the country, but you definitely sound like it.

Take this quiz now - it's easy!
We're going to start with "cot" and "caught." When you say those words do they sound the same or different?